Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Venture into Blogging for Stamps on Fire

Welcome to the blog for Stamps on Fire! This is where updates on the company, specials on product and show information will be posted.

      Spring has come to North Carolina, and although today is chilly and rainy,  my thoughts turn toward early June as my son is getting married June 1st! We are so excited about it...and absolutely adore his future bride. I already know that they will receive a card with these images from us. :-)
      As happy future couples plan for their wedding this year, the images below are for those who are part of the planning or just as a guest.  Stamps on Fire has a new line of wedding images and sayings that could grace cards, invitations or even Thank You notes for the happy couple. These can be found at under the Wedding heading.

 * * * * *
SPECIAL:  All Wedding stamps are 10% off
for the month of April.
The stamps are sold either unmounted (rough cut rubber)
 or with Cling Foam attached.
The CF option is indexed so placement is easy using acrylic blocks.
* * * * *
Here are some sample cards using these images.
                                         Stamps used:  Bride & Groom   3655LL
                                                                Two Hearts     3656G


                                           Stamps used: Bride & Groom  3655LL
                                                                 Two Hearts  3656G

                       This particular card is pretty cool as it is also a gift card holder as you will
                                                  see in the next picture of the inside.

                                        Stamps used inside: Corner Bouquet  3653L
                                                                         Celebration  3657H
                                                                         Richly Bless You  3658J

                                  The middle section is where the gift card slides into the slot.
                                                  This creates a simple, yet elegant card.

Stamps used:  Bride  3651K
                                       Bouquet Corner  3653L
I absolutely love this bride image!
Of course, all of the images can be tailored to
the bride's color scheme...which make it even more special for the couple. 
The small bouquet image could be used on the envelope as a border or on the card itself.
I hope that you have gotten a feel for how these images could make that unique card for that wonderful couple.
On the next blog, I'll show you how to make that gift card holder.
Happy Stamping!       JoLayne